6 Spots To Celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States

The United States celebrates Thanksgiving annually on the fourth Thursday in November (second Monday in October for Canada). The holiday dates back to 1621, when the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Tribe hosted the first Harvest Festival in Plymoth, Massachusets. The celebration feast included bird, deer, fish, lobster, and dozens of local vegetables. Today, most people eat turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy. If your client has decided to take a holiday vacation, then here are 6 of the most exciting Thanksgiving festivities and celebrations across the United States that’ll elevate the trip!

Overview of the best destinations to send your client for Thanksgiving in the USA:

  • New York, New York
  • Orlando, Florida
  • Plymouth, Massachusetts
  • Frankfurt, Michigan
  • Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Leavenworth, Washington

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Why To Never Let Clients Book Their Own Airfare

Travel consultants are an increasingly popular resource because most travelers don’t have trip planning experience or time to spare. When using a travel agent, clients benefit from receiving a full itinerary, accommodations, and transportation for their vacation without the extra effort on their part. If you’re a travel agent, never let your clients book their own airfare—especially when they’re paying additional costs for your services. If you aren’t already convinced, then read on to discover why travel agents should never let clients book their own airfare!

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