Shopping in Dubai

Currency Converts:
1 USD = AED 3.67
1 Euro = AED 4.07
1 CAD = AED 2.78

Our tours division, Sky Vacations, can help you create a tour that serves as a shopaholic’s paradise for your clients who love hunting for trends and bargains abroad. Here are some of Dubai’s acclaimed malls, souks, and unique shopping establishments that prompt the slogan, “Only in Dubai.”
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Sights to See in the City of Dubai

Showcasing the landmarks that make up the city of Dubai can be a monumental addition to your clients’ visit. Whether you are working with a full vacation or a brief stopover, our tours division, Sky Vacations, has customizable Dubai packages that get clients up close and personal with the city.

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5 Things That Go Wrong When You Let Clients Book Their Own Airfare

The ease of online flight-booking services makes consulting the internet a client go-to if they are in charge of making their own flight arrangements. As a travel agent whose career thrives from commission, including airfare booking in your services not only gives you a higher profit platform, but also ensures clients don’t fall victim to things that can go wrong when scheduling their own flights.
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So, You Decided to Become a Travel Agent. Now What?

Now, on to the next step – accreditation. You’re probably overwhelmed with all the unfamiliar acronyms and terminology, like CLIA, ARC, IATA, TRUE, etc. It’s like learning a foreign language. This article will help you understand the nuances among some of the most common accreditation organizations and hopefully help you decide which one(s) are right for you.

How to become a CERTIFIED travel agent.

Let’s start with the basics. Continue reading “So, You Decided to Become a Travel Agent. Now What?”

The Benefits of Experience

How Sky Bird Provides the Best Customer Service


It’s what we feel when we pick up the phone and call the cable company or the cell phone company.

Is it their inexperienced customer service representatives? Is it their unwillingness to help?

We understand what it is like. And we understand what it is like to receive amazing customer service too. Providing incredible customer service is something we strive for at Sky Bird. With over 40 years of experience, we have proven time and time again that our customer service agents are knowledgeable and experienced.
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