Sky Bird Makes It Easy to Book Large Groups 

Strength in Numbers

When you’re approached by a large group of travelers, it’s both exciting and intimidating. On one hand, you know there’s a big fat commission check in it for you. On the other hand, the logistics of booking 10+ people is complex. We’d like to give you that commission check AND peace of mind. Our Groups Department is specifically trained to help you handle large groups.
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Your Month by Month Guide to Destinations

The Best Places to Go No Matter the Time of Year

Finally, it’s March! Winter is done. Sure, the weather isn’t perfect yet, but hey, the chances of snow are slimmer. For months like this where the weather is in between hot and cold, we started wondering, what are some decent places to visit? We don’t want to send clients to regions where the weather is just as bleak as it is here. We did some research and compiled a list of all the best and worst places to visit, month by month. Here’s what we found out:

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Philippines – The Next Hot Destination

Tourism is a major business in the Philippines contributing to over 10% of its annual economic performance. While selling flights and vacations to the Philippines to tourists may be a little challenging these days, you will want to consider marketing to the VFR sector: Visiting Friends and Relatives.

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