African Destinations for VFR Travelers

What is VFR Travel?

“Reason for traveling” is divided into three categories: business, leisure, and what’s known as VFR travel (Visiting Friends and Relatives). VFR travelers are those whose reason for visiting a country is motivated solely by reuniting and staying with family or close friends.
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Africa’s Top Landmarks

Africa is one of the most diverse continents on the planet. From the Sahara desert to the jungles, you’d be hard pressed to find a more fascinating place to send clients on vacation. Here are just a few of the amazing African landmarks one can visit.
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Around the World: Isimila Stone Age Site

Dodoma, Tanzania

A four-hour car ride south of Dodoma leads to the town of Iringa. From there you can take a designated route to one of the most significant Stone Age finds ever discovered: Isimila.

Delving into Prehistory

The site was discovered in 1951 by Mr. D.A. Maclennan of the St. Peters School in Johannesburg, South Africa. The most important finds were Stone Age tools dated between 60,000-100,000 years old.

Brief History of the Stone Age

The Stone Age is a broad period of human history that lasted from about 2.5 million years ago until about 2000 BC when metalworking was developed. Essentially, the Stone Age is the amount of time that early humans used stones to make tools – namely arrowheads, axes, and knives. Indeed, knives and oval stones, for use in slingshots, are some of the artifacts found at Isimila. Many of these artifacts are now on display at the on-site museum.

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In addition to tools of early humans, many animal fossils have been discovered here. The ancestors of the beloved giraffe and hippo have been discovered near this site.

Geological Formations

Aside from the historical contributions made by this site, unusual sandstone formations dot the surrounding area. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock that is made of sand-sized minerals. Over time, the erosion process left formations that resemble chimneys.

This photo of Isimila Stone Age Site is courtesy of TripAdvisor


Explore the Surrounding Area

A covered picnic area near the museum is perfect for families and those looking to enjoy the African landscape without the blazing sun. The village of Lulanda has forest reserves within the tea plantations of the mountains. As such, this area is sought after for hiking excursions.


Clients wishing to visit East Africa will rave over all the amazing sites of Tanzania. We’re partnered with over 90 airlines, so no matter their city of departure, we can get your clients there. As a top airfare consolidator, Sky Bird Travel has the lowest net fares to get them there. Call or email us today to begin your adventure!

Are your clients looking for something off the beaten path? Are they not interested in tourist traps? Stay tuned for our Around the World series. Several times a week, we share interesting things to do in exotic places. Give your clients a new experience in old places!


Featured image Photo Credit: By Paul Shaffner from State College, PA, USA, United States – maganga_view, CC BY 2.0,