Africa’s Top Landmarks

Africa is one of the most diverse continents on the planet. From the Sahara desert to the jungles, you’d be hard pressed to find a more fascinating place to send clients on vacation. Here are just a few of the amazing African landmarks one can visit.


Victoria Falls

the African landmark of Victoria Falls
Plunging along the borders of Zimbabwe and Zambia, Victoria Falls is one of the most beautiful African landmarks.


The world’s largest waterfall by volume, Victoria Falls is twice the size of Niagara Falls at 5,604 feet wide. Spanning the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, this immense natural structure is best seen between February and May, right after the regional rains. If clients are more adventurous, they can go swimming in the Zambezi river right up to the edge of the falls. Don’t worry – they won’t go over the edge. A natural formation called Devil’s Pool forms a barrier. (And there are guides for extra safety.) Devil’s Pool is basically a natural infinity pool. As such, it allows the more daring traveler to look over the edge of the waterfall.


Abu Simbel temples

The African landmark of Abu Simbel, an Egyptian temple.
Abu Simbel is one of Africa’s most iconic landmarks.

Constructed over 3,000 years ago, this temple complex is both an ancient and modern feat of engineering. In ancient times, it stood as a testament to the might and power of Ramses II. Arguably, he was the most powerful pharaoh in history. In the 1960s, the entire complex was relocated to save it from flooding created by a dam. Once reconstructed, it looked exactly as it had in its original location.



Serengeti National Park

Tanzania’s most famous national park is home to all the wildlife that comes to mind when one thinks of Africa: lions, wildebeests, zebras, giraffes, and more. In fact, the great migration of wildebeests is one of the most popular reasons for visiting this park. If clients wish to see this extraordinary journey, be sure to book them a visit in the summer.


Great Mosque of Djenne

This UNESCO World Heritage Site initially dates from the 13th century. In fact, it’s considered to be one of the best examples of Sudano-Sahelian architecture, a style from sub-Saharan West Africa. The original structure is not the one currently standing. However, the current structure, built in 1907, was done in the same adobe style.  Yearly restorations take place at a festival in which the entire community participates in the preparation of new plaster.



Kakum National Park

Kakum National Park. A lesser-known African landmark with a canopy walkway.
Many of Kakum’s flora and fauna are only viewable from above due to thick vegetation.


Located about an hour north of Cape Coast, this fascinating park is one of only three on the continent to have a canopy walkway. The rope bridges give visitors a unique perspective on the tropical forest which covers the national park. Unfortunately, the vegetation is so dense that many of the plants and animals one sees from above would be otherwise hidden. Additionally, there is a treehouse in the park for those wishing to experience the forest at night. A trained guide can take visitors on night hikes and share local folklore about the forest.

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